What has transpired in The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump criminal case has gone beyond mere lawfare and is now reminiscent of Stalinism.  Shortly after the end of World War II, Lavrentiy Beria, the chief of Joseph Stalin’s secret police bragged, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” meaning, the state has almost unlimited means to convict someone regardless of guilt or innocence – a practice that’s become known as ‘Stalinism.’  At the same time, anyone who’s paid attention to this sham trial understands that if sentenced, the Trump team will appeal the conviction and when he wins (which he assuredly will) the conviction will be overturned, and the slate will be officially wiped clean.

However, Judge Juan Merchan is an anti-Trump jurist and doesn’t want Trump to have a slate wiped clean and has steadfastly refused to dismiss DA  Alvin Bragg’s groundless case against him, and instead, has chosen to proceed with sentencing 10 days before the President-Elect’s inauguration – hmmm, would anyone want to venture a guess as to why Merchan chose that particular time frame for sentencing, considering he has gone on record that the court will not seek any meaningful punishment, i.e., no incarceration and no probation.  So, why choose a sentencing date ten days prior to one of the most important days in American political history?   Is it remotely possible that politics are afoot?

Of course, Merchan won’t impose any meaningful punishment because if he did,  the Trump team would immediately appeal the matter to a higher court, which would ultimately reveal the vile and un-American machinations of Bragg and Merchan, making it imperative from Merchan & Bragg’s perspective that there be no appellate review.

~ They Must Stop an Appeal at All Costs ~

And this is where the law gets a bit tricky, because under the law, a defendant cannot appeal his or her case until AFTER they are sentenced.  Nor can a defendant challenge a prosecutor’s legal theory until AFTER the defendant is sentenced.  The reader will note how I emphasized the word after.  Call it a quirk of the law or a catch-22, but until a defendant is actually sentenced, he or she is not legally considered a convicted felon no matter how frequently George Stephanopoulos and his media cohorts enjoy using the term.  And this is at the heart of this issue because come hell or high water, Merchan wants history to record that the 47th President of the United States was a convicted felon!

~ Joe Did It! ~

This is where Kathy Hochul, another Trump-hater, comes into play.   As Governor of New York she has the power to commute sentences and issue pardons, just as Joe Biden did with Hunter, the death row rapists and the 9/11 murderers.  And if Governor Hochul pardons Trump AFTER Merchan sentences him, it would certainly obviate the need for an appeal but then Donald Trump would go down in history as the only “convicted felon” (albeit a pardoned felon, but nonetheless a convicted one) to win the presidency in American history, and Merchan would get his wish.

But if Hochul doesn’t pardon Trump or commute his sentence, then Trump will appeal and wait for a higher court (perhaps the Supreme Court) to overturn the case and clear his name.  So, what this matter boils down to is, “cui bono” – i.e.,  who benefits if Donald Trump’s name is etched in the history books as a convicted felon?  So, we need ask ourselves, who would want that so badly that they are willing to mirror the old Soviet system of justice?

Digging a little deeper, the day Trump was convicted Hochul said, “Today’s verdict reaffirms that no one is above the law,” so reversing herself would make her every bit as hypocritical as Joe Biden; but then, they’re democrats, so do the math.  At the same time however, Judge Merchan and DA  Alvin Bragg cannot afford an appellate reversal because of what it would reveal.  And anyone with an ounce of common sense knows a Trump appeal wouldn’t stop until it reached the Supreme Court if necessary, something Merchan and Bragg are loath to allow happen.

I titled this post Obama v. Trump & a Return to Stalinism for a reason, so where does Barack Obama fit in, in all of this?  As I commented previously,  We’re talking about democrats so anything is possible.  Barack Obama and Donald Trump are not friends; in fact, their relationship could be said to resemble a bloodsport, and while this is pure speculation, does anyone believe that anything of this magnitude could occur in the Democrat Party without Barack Obama’s knowledge and blessing?  As the saying goes, “Politics is not a short pants game,” and this may well be Obama’s last best chance to get even with Trump for winning the presidency twice.

The democrats billed their summer convention as, “Four Days of Joy for a Nation – DNC 2024” – who did they think they were kidding?  Do they call what has transpired with their continued lawfare over the last four years and expression of joy?  So, I’d like to ask just one question to any liberals who may be reading this post, how does what’s occurring in this sham trial improve the lives of ordinary Americans?

I don’t know if there is a way for the president-elect to redress the situation and save himself and the nation the embarrassment of being sentenced and becoming a convicted felon at this point in time, so the Stalinists may get their way.  However, after the dust settles in the matter it is my hope that American voters finally stop to consider just who the real threat to democracy is.

Quote of the day:  “Ideas are more powerful than guns.  We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.”– Joseph Stalin

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