- What the left has done in this country is to take the George Floyd episode, combine it with similar incidents an then shoehorned them into a pre-existing narrative about race.
- I’ll never understand; if black lives really mattered why have we never seen a protest over the carnage that takes place in Chicago almost every weekend?
- And does anyone remember a black, yellow or brown person being referred to as a racist; or is racism the exclusive domain of white people?
- During China’s Cultural Revolution there was no law independent of Communist Party policy; now black lives matters seems to have adopted the same philosophy, i.e., revisionist history and tearing down monuments. BLM, just like Mao’s Red Guards, is predicated on Marxist ideology, which means the only laws they abide are those that embrace their hideous ideology.
- Perhaps we should replace the statues that are being torn down and erect new ones dedicated to the lives of great Americans such as George Floyd, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Perhaps too instead of engraving the battles they engaged into the pedestals, we should list the gang wars they fought, whether they were Crips or Bloods and how many people they shot. Perhaps too we could post their respective arrest records at the base of each statue for all to honor.
- Vis-à-vis the riots, looting and violence occurring on our city streets it’s become obvious the liberal media is more interested in cheerleading than in reporting.
- I read where Google employees have signed an internal petition calling on the company to “take real steps to dismantle racism.” So here’s a thought, Google should begin by looking at its own hiring practices. Blacks currently compose less than 3% of Google’s workforce.
- Does anyone actually believe that black mothers want less policing in their neighborhoods?
- Isn’t it ironic that the people who castigate Trump for lying mainly get their news from CNN and New York Times?
- And speaking of lies, can someone name a Trump “lie” that had more impact on more Americans than, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor?”
- Long-time ABC News correspondent Paul Harvey once opined “Buried under the frost is the fact: Less than on half of one percent of policemen misfit the uninform. That’s a better average than you’ll find in the clergy.” Perhaps that’s not a bad thought to keep in mind these days.
- And isn’t it interesting how we can no longer satirize minorities in America – Jerry Seinfeld was is one of the cleanest most respectful comedians in America, yet I’ll bet I can name at least a half dozen Seinfeld episodes that would not be aired today.
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