Many folks who read my blog have already received this post – something went haywire and random postings were sent out with no apparent rhyme or reason. So, if you received this post previously, my apologies, I really try to keep the blog on track, but this one was out of my control. In any event, today is the day this post, “Enough is Enough” was scheduled to appear and hopefully you received this today.
Christmas usually occurs on December 25th every year; I say usually because for the Democrat Party, Christmas falls on Thursday, January 6th, the day the left will tell all who will listen how Donald Trump was a threat to our democracy.
Now, I don’t know about you but if I hear one more leftie scream about how the events of January 6th were a threat to our democracy my head is going to pop off! Even more ridiculous, I just read the January 6th Select Committee, aka ‘the democrat lynch mob,’ is signaling it intends to explore potential criminal wrongdoing by the former president.
Criminal wrongdoing? C’mon, when is enough, enough already? Doesn’t the left realize it’s over? Trump lost, Biden won, and they now have full custody of the White House and control both houses of Congress…so enough with the carping, perhaps it would behoove the democrats to try governing.
But I fear that as long Donald Trump draws breath, January 6th will remain the focus of its governing philosophy. And vis-à-vis the Left’s relentless preoccupation with that date, allow me to ask, what might be more beneficial to the American people…
- Gaining control of the COVID pandemic or pursuing what 800 malcontents did on the Capitol steps on January 6th?
- Addressing the supply chain problem or pursuing what 800 malcontents did on the Capitol steps on January 6th?
- Curbing inflation or pursuing what 800 malcontents did on the Capitol steps on January 6th?
- Stopping the flow of fentanyl at the southern border or pursuing what 800 malcontents did on the Capitol steps on January 6th?
- Reducing the price of gasoline or pursuing what 800 malcontents did on the Capitol steps on January 6th?
- Halting the number of illegal aliens crossing into this country or pursuing what 800 malcontents did on the Capitol steps on January 6th?
- Manufacturing and distributing enough COVID tests for the nation, or pursuing what 800 malcontents did on the Capitol steps on January 6th?
- Getting the Americans and our allies the Biden administration left stranded in Afghanistan, or pursuing what 800 malcontents did on the Capitol steps on January 6th?
~ A Threat to our Democracy… Really? ~
In a recent commentary conservative social commentator, Victor David Hansen, asked rhetorically, what’s behind the recent pessimistic appraisals of democracy’s future, from Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Brian Williams and other elite intellectuals, media personalities, and politicians on the Left? A very good question I think, especially vis-à-vis the bullet points that follow. Meanwhile, each of us likely has a friend or an acquaintance who echo the elites’ specious outcry while feigning outrage at what occurred on January 6th. So, in response, I thought I would share a few of Mr. Hansen’s observations (paraphrased) regarding what the left must feel is NOT a threat to our democracy:
- Two million unvaccinated foreign nationals illegally crossing our southern border in a single year.
- 800,000 foreign nationals, (many of them here illegally) will now be able to vote in New York City elections.
- Efforts to dismantle the 233-year-old Electoral College
- Attempts to scrap the 180-year-old filibuster rule.
- Authorizing a commission to investigate the practicality of packing the Supreme Court
- Attempts to scrap the 60-year tradition of 50 states by trying to give statehood to Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico and thus add 4 new democrat senators to Congress.
- A Congress that tried to impeach a president without the chief justice in attendance, without a special prosecutor or witnesses, and without a formal commission report of presidential high crimes and misdemeanors.
- An FBI, Justice Department, CIA, Hillary Clinton, and members of the Obama Administration systematically using U.S. government agencies to sabotage a presidential campaign, transition, and presidency, via the use of a foreign national and ex-spy Christopher Steele and his coterie of discredited Russian sources.
- A national debt approaching $30 trillion dollars.
- Since the Afghanistan debacle, the Pentagon has lost the support of the American people.
- Without data or evidence, the Pentagon is scouring its ranks for anyone suspected of “white rage” or “white supremacy.”
- Weaponizing the DOJ to investigate concerned parents as potential domestic terrorists.
- That a record 64% of the electorate did not cast their ballots on Election Day.
- Or that the usual rejection rate in most states of non-Election Day ballots plunged – even as an unprecedented 101 million ballots were cast by mail or early voting.
- Lying to the American people about the true cost of the Build Back Better legislation.
It’s always interesting to see what the left believes is a threat to democracy.
Quote of the day: “A hypocrite is a man who murdered both his parents then pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan”—Abraham Lincoln
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